
Name, Ort/Land: Graham Seaman, London/GB
E-Mail: graham seul.org  ('@' entfernt -- Spam-Vermeidung!)
Zur Person: Graham is a software developer working for a small perl-based web software company. In previous incarnations he has been a computing lecturer, worked in hardware repair and design, taught english, and been a wireman. He has also been a wannabe hippy, anarchist, member of the SWP, and completely apathetic. Most of his spare time now goes on running opencollector.org 
Vortrag : The Two Economies 
or, why the washing machine question is the wrong question
Datum/Zeit/Dauer/Raum: 2. Nov. / 17:00 / 2 Std. / Raum MA005

Free software development appears to be a fragment of a new mode of production. The dependencies of this fragment on the old economy, and vice versa, affect both their natures.

The escape from this situation will not be by technological changes alone. To become more than a fragment, the dependencies of the new on the old economy must decrease, while the dependencies of the old on the new increase. And the new must spread to new social areas - a process which has begun with the pressure for use of free software by states around the world, and adoption of the rhetoric of free software by supporters of academic freedom within the universities.